Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Instructions for Netlife's Interactive Map

While packing for the trip, studying for our last test and getting our last details worked out, we tried to set something up on Google Earth for an interactive map. Since Jesse and I are in charge of everything, this is the best we could do. The end result is actually quite cool, it just takes some extra clicking to set up the whole map with all the villages.

Start by downloading the Google Earth program at the following link:

After downloading the file, install it on your computer and make sure it opens up ok. You should see a window with the planet earth in space and be able to zoom in on the planet.

Keep Google Earth open and on your web browser check out the following link, which has a list of all the villages we will be visiting:

Again, this page has a list of all the cities in villages we visit in Senegal from Dakar to Namel, then some more on a second page. After clicking on any of the village names, you will be brought to another page which asks you if you want to "View in Google Earth." Click this and the village will show up on your Google Earth interactive map. Each time you click on another villages "View in Google Earth" link, another village will show up on your interactive map. If you click on the pushpins of the villages, a short description comes up.

Note: When you close the Google Earth program, it will tell you that you have temporary files and will ask you if you want to save them as "My Places". We recommend you click yes, so that every time you look at your Google Earth map in the future, all of the villages you've clicked on will still be on the map. This is great, because each time you click on a new village, your map of the Netlife area becomes more and more complete. Give it a try. It's pretty cool.


Joel said...

Thanks for setting this up. Best of luck in your adventures, and I look forward to your liveblogging the trip.

HOll said...

Way to go on the Google Earth features, guys! Even though Boundoucondi has been "on the map" for some time - how could it not be with a chef du village like Baaba Mamady? - it's nice to see it make Google Earth. Thanks for setting this up. -Meta